Closest Casino To Casa Grande Arizona
The distance from Casa Grande to the nearest city Eloy is 15.2 miles or 24.4 kilometers away. The nearest town Arizona City is 11.3 miles or 18.1 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Casa Grande; Chandler being the closest is 31.3 miles or 50.4 kilometers away. Casa Grande is also near the Nevada state border; Las Vegas in Nevada is 346.6 miles or 557.9 kilometers away. Join us at Baymont by Wyndham Casa Grande for inviting accommodations and convenient amenities off I-10 near the Pinal Fairgrounds & Event Center. During your stay in southern Arizona, you’ll be within easy reach of the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, as well as Picacho Peak State Park. Major cities near Casa Grande, AZ. This is a list of large cities closest to Casa Grande, AZ. A big city usually has a population of at least 200,000 and you can often fly into a major airport. If you need to book a flight, search for the nearest airport to Casa Grande, AZ. You can also look for cities 100 miles from Casa Grande, AZ (or 50. Major airports near Casa Grande, Arizona: The nearest major airport is Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (AZA / KIWA). This airport has domestic flights from Mesa, Arizona and is 45 miles from the center of Casa Grande, AZ.
1 hour 25 mins
There are 56.64 miles from Buckeye to Casa Grande in southeast direction and 83 miles (133.58 kilometers) by car, following the I-10 E and US-60 E route.
Buckeye and Casa Grande are 1 hour 25 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop.
This is the fastest route from Buckeye, AZ to Casa Grande, AZ. The halfway point is PHX, AZ.
Buckeye, AZ and Casa Grande, AZ are in the same time zone (MST). Current time in both locations is 5:57 am.
Any questions or tips to share?
Share with fellow travellers any question or tips about the route from Buckeye, AZ to Casa Grande, AZ:
Gas Consumption and Emissions
A car with an MPG of will need 3.84 gallons of gas to cover the route between Buckeye, AZ and Casa Grande, AZ.
The estimated cost of gas to go from Buckeye to Casa Grande is $9.92.
During the route, an average car will release 75.30 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.91 pounds of CO2 per mile.
- Average US gas price used for calculation is $2.58 per gallon of regular gas. Price last updated on January 11, 2020.
- Read more about our CO2 calculation.
Best Hotels In or Near Casa Grande, AZ
Do you have where to stay when you arrive to Casa Grande, AZ? Check out our hotel recommendations:
Halfway Point Between Buckeye, AZ and Casa Grande, AZ
If you want to meet halfway between Buckeye, AZ and Casa Grande, AZ or just make a stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 33.427692 and -112.035583, or 33º 25' 39.6912' N, 112º 2' 8.0988' W. This location is 41.51 miles away from Buckeye, AZ and Casa Grande, AZ and it would take approximately 42 minutes to reach the halfway point from both locations.
Closest City or Town to Halfway Point
The closest town to the halfway point is PHX, AZ, situated 40.53 miles from Buckeye, AZ and 43.6 miles from Casa Grande, AZ. It would take 44 minutes to go from Buckeye to PHX and 46 minutes to go from Casa Grande to PHX.
Major City Closest to Halfway Point
The major city closest to the halfway point between Buckeye, AZ and Casa Grande, AZ is Phoenix, AZ, situated 35.97 miles from Buckeye, AZ and 47.36 miles from Casa Grande, AZ. It would take 40 minutes to go from Buckeye to and 49 minutes to go from Casa Grande to Phoenix.
Major Cities Along the Route
Some other major cities along the route include Tempe, AZ, and Glendale, AZ.
Lowest Price Rental Cars in Buckeye, AZ
Planning on renting a car to go from Buckeye, AZ to Casa Grande, AZ? Here there are some offers to rent a car in or near Buckeye, AZ:
From $14
From $18
From $24
From $28
From $40 Fable the lost chapters blackjack online.
Weather in Buckeye and Casa Grande
No precipitation throughout the week.
Sat Jan 11 | Sun Jan 12 | Mon Jan 13 | Tue Jan 14 | Wed Jan 15 |
64°34° | 64°31° | 66°32° | 68°36° | 68°35° |
3% | 3% | 2% | 1% | 1% |
5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 |
Casa Grande
Arizona Casa Grande Zillow
No precipitation throughout the week.
Sat Jan 11 | Sun Jan 12 | Mon Jan 13 | Tue Jan 14 | Wed Jan 15 |
65°32° | 64°30° | 66°31° | 71°34° | 67°33° |
2% | 1% | 1% | 1% | 0% |
4 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 |
Distance conversions
Checkout the distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles between Buckeye, AZ and Casa Grande, AZ in this table:
Distance type | Miles | Kilometers | Nautical miles |
Straight line distance | 56.64 mi | 91.16 km | 49.22 nautical mi |
Driving distance | 83 mi | 133.60 km | 72.14 nautical mi |