Count Of Monte Cristo Symbols

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  1. Religious Symbols In The Count Of Monte Cristo
  2. The Count Of Monte Cristo Symbols
  3. Count Of Monte Cristo Summary
  • The Count of Monte Cristo: Metaphor Analysis. Therefore there is little need for much symbolism. Yet one significant event does have metaphorical significance-Dantes' baptism of sorts when he is thrown into the sea by the prison guards. This event is truly a watershed experience for Dantes and the reader.
  • Get an answer for 'What are some symbols or metaphors and what are their meanings in the story? ' and find homework help for other The Count of Monte Cristo questions at eNotes.

Buy discount gift cards online. Jan 03, 2020  The Count of Monte Cristo is a big book, and it requires more than a bit of discipline and patience to finish. Last, but certainly not least, it's important not to overlook the many allusions to history and literature that Dumas has packed in (you can see the list over in the 'Shout-Out' section). The Count of Monte Cristo Themes. In The Count of Monte Cristo, the transformed becomes the transformer. Edmond, irrevocably changed during his time in prison by forces outside of his control, learns to transform the world around h. As a wise man once said, 'Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate.

Symbols are objects, characters, figures, and colorsused to represent abstract ideas or concepts.

The Sea


When Dantès escapes from prison, he plunges into the ocean,experiencing a second baptism and a renewed dedication of his soulto God. He has suffered a metaphorical death while in prison: the deathof his innocent, loving self. Dantès emerges as a bitter and hatefulman, bent on carrying out revenge on his enemies. He is washed inthe waters that lead him to freedom, and his rebirth as a man transformedis complete. The sea continues to figure prominently in the noveleven after this symbolic baptism. Considering himself a citizenof no land, Dantès spends much of his time on the ocean, travelingthe world in his yacht. The sea seems to beckon constantly to Dantès,a skilled sailor, offering him perpetual escape and solitude.

The Red Silk Purse

Religious Symbols In The Count Of Monte Cristo

First used by Monsieur Morrel in his attempt to save thelife of Dantès’s father, Dantès later uses the red silk purse whenhe is saving Morrel’s life. The red purse becomes the physical symbolof the connection between good deed and reward. Morrel recognizesthe purse and deduces the connection between the good deed performed onhis behalf and the good deed he once performed himself. Morrel concludesthat Dantès must be his savior, surmising that he is working frombeyond the grave. Morrel’s daughter, Julie, then emphasizes thesymbolic power of the purse by keeping it constantly on displayas a relic of her father’s miraculous salvation.

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The Count Of Monte Cristo Symbols

The Elixir

Dantès’s potent potion seems to have the power both tokill and to bring to life, a power that Dantès comes to believein too strongly. His overestimation of the elixir’s power reflectshis overestimation of his own power, his delusion that he is almostgodlike, and his assertion that he has the right and capacity toact as the agent of Providence. It is significant that, when facedwith Edward’s corpse, Dantès thinks first to use his elixir to bringthe boy to life. Of course, the elixir is not powerful enough tobring the dead to life, just as Dantès himself is not capable ofaccomplishing divine feats. The power to grant life—like the powerto carry out ultimate retribution and justice—lies solely in God’sprovince. It is when Dantès acknowledges the limits of his elixirthat he realizes his own limitations as a human being.

Count Of Monte Cristo Summary

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In the book 'The Count of Monte Cristo' Religion is a big hidden factor throughout the whole book but starts coming out more towards the middle of the book.
Religion is spread all over this book you just have to think about it to find it..
This is a picture of Edmond Dantes and Abbe Faria inside the prison cell when Edmond made his way in and Abbe is about to give him the map to his treasure. Abbe is a priest and without Abbe Edmond would be dead so this is a big turning point in the book that really has a lot of religion in it due to how much Edmond turns to God and prays to God to help him find this treasure. (Dumas 90-100)
Biblical Symbols:
-Monte Cristo translates into 'Mountain of Christ,' that is one of the big hidden symbols (Schmoop)
-The Island of Monte Cristo is like Calvary, which is the hill on which Jesus was crucified (Schmoop)
-Edmonds suffering was like Jesus Christ suffering on the cross (Schmoop)
-Edmond escapes from prison like Jesus resurrection (Schmoop)
-Christ emerges from the cage and So does Edmond but Edmond does with treasure (Schmoop)
-Dumas lets us know the Count will be back in the end of the book, like the 'second coming' of Christ (Schmoop)
Religion during Napoleon times
Roman Catholicism is the religion of the Napoleon times and is widely spread throughout the country. (Catholicism) If you were Roman Catholic you belonged to a Catholic Church and used the Bible as your text. (Roman Catholicism) The Pope is the head of the Catholic church. (Webster) Roman Catholics believe that abortion is a form of murder and that God judges people as soon as they die. (Catholic Facts) They believe that homosexual acts are sinful and divorce and remarriage are not acceptable.(Catholic Facts) Roman Catholicism started between 1st and 5th century. (Catholicism) The Roman Catholic have 2 great commandments. (Webster)
1. 'You shall love the lord your god with your whole heart and with your sole, and mind, and whole strength, you should love your neighbor as yourself' (Webster)
2.'To love God, our neighbor, and ourselves, we must keep the commandments of God and of the church, and perform spiritual and corporal ways of mercy'(Webster)
Religious Quotes
-'That is because you have preserved your faith and your strength; you trusted in God, and he has sustained you. I was a coward; I denied him and he has forsaken me (Dumas 603).'
She is describing that she has been fighting for her life and not knowing what's going on and things aren't happening the way she wants them to so she is telling him that he was made a better person in prison and his new life starts now.
-'But behind me there was concealed an offended and invisible God, whose agent I was and whose who did not choose to hold the blow I had aimed (Dumas 603).'
Edmond is telling Mercedes that prison wasn't easy and there wasn't just a happy ending when I got out, he had to work for where he got because God was letting him have his full punishment.
-'I call God to witness, at whose feet I have prostrated myself everyday for the last 10 years, that I have offered the sacrifice of my life and my life-long projects to you (Dumas 603).'
Edmond is telling Mercedes that he's been in Prison 10 years and everyday thought of her and he figured out he is meant to be with her the rest of his life.
-'But I say it with pride Mercedes, God had need of me and my life was spared (Dumas 603).'
Edmond is telling Mercedes that there is a reason God got him out of prison, there is a reason that God helped him find Abbe. Without God he might still be in prison or even dead since he was thinking about suicide.
-'And I became the possessor of a large fortune, so dazzling and fabulous, that I could only conclude that God had sent it to me for some great purpose (Dumas 603).'
Edmond is telling Mercedes that he got all that treasure and it was great but God sent that to him for some great reason. Some reason to help him go out and change the world somehow and he used it to his advantage and did and now he wants her.
-'I realize that it is Impossible, and that it is tantamount to revolting against God to attempt what is contrary to his designs (Dumas 92).'
Abbe is saying that it isn't Gods plan for him to be out of prison so if he escaped he would be back in because that wasn't Gods plan.
-'A misfortune that I do not deserve, and I would rather attribute the authorship of it to mankind and no longer blaspheme God as I have hitherto done (Dumas 95).'
Edmond is telling Abbe that he would rather share the treasure and reward with Abbe then take all the credit himself and recognize God for it now that Abbe has made Edmond religious.
-'Valentine raised her head to the ceiling to thank her God in Heaven (Dumas 404).'
This shows that Valentine is Religious and that she shows appreciation to her God and Thankful after Monsieur warned them and said he would have himself carried into the salon
-'God is my witness and I intended to bury it forever in the depths of my heart (Dumas 560).'
The count is announcing who he is and he said he was trying to hide who he was forever but due to the recent problem he could not hide it forever and he had to bring out his true identity
-'The ideas that your are giving away are unworthy of a Christian (Dumas 561).'
The Count is saying that the thoughts and ideas Maxmilian are telling people aren't ideas of a true Christian trying to tell him they are wrong and will not solve anything