Wheel Of Fortune Game Thing The Sounds Of

Oct 11, 2016  ‎Welcome to the brand new Wheel of Fortune Slots featuring Pat Sajak and Vanna White. Play dozens of unique Wheel of Fortune slot machines and tons of your favorite slots from the casino floor. Earn lots of free coins every day by completing fun. This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Phrase. Get Answers Faster Using Filters Special Thanks to Everyone Who Has Provided Their Word Puzzle Solutions Submit Your Game Solution No Answer? Please give Continue reading →.


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'Oh my God! Oh my God!
You do not exist! This cannot be real!'
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  • All of Emile's horrible guesses can be found here.
    • Oh wait, that's only Part 1. And it's more than half an hour long.
    • Here's the second part.
    • And here's the third part. You're welcome.
    • Part four.
  • For April Fools' Day, they decided to take a snippet of the Hawaii recordings, and slow it down to a snail's pace. It's as ridiculous as it sounds, and you can witness it here.
    Jon:[in the comments] ..I can't believe you did it. You talked about turning this into a series for months and I never believed you would do it. Even as an April Fool's joke I never believed you would do it.
    ..I don't know if I should applaud you or delete your editing software.
  • The comments generally use Emile's terrible guesses in a sentence as if they were an actual thing.
    -Oh boy. Simon Wager is my favorite actor. I loved his Patrick Zany character. I think that famous Calibrary Cuff Paula Deen did a cameo in that movie, where Zany is trying to find the elusive Metropolitan Mutant of Ark.

Match 1

  • Emile regales the guys of a time he saw Wheel of Fortune when he was younger:
    Emile: 'The subject was 'thing', but I thought it was telling the viewers at home what the answer was. So the answer was 20 letters long, but I went 'I know! 'Thing'!'
    Jon: 'You were very good atWheel of Fortunewhen you were a kid.'
  • Emile, stumped on one puzzle, guesses random letters and ends up with the magnificent disaster that is 'CALIBRARY CUFF PAULA DEEN'. Jon's sarcasm and his embarrassment causes a laughing fit that lasts for over two minutes. The answer was CELEBRITY CHEF PAULA DEEN.
    Jon: 'Calibrary Cuff Paula Deen.' Calibrary Cuff. I'm sorry, but what?!'
    • What makes it honestly fantastic, really, is the sound of Emile breaking down in shame in the background.
    • During the closing credits, they discuss what that would even be.
    • Related: 'THE FEATS OF CAFE'. Chugga A. Conroy, everyone.
    • Emile gets so incoherent with embarrassment over this that he has to resort to putting subtitles in the video at one point.
      • Even better, later on Emile tries to call Jon out on his mocking Emile's fail by claiming it embarrasses him, only for Jon to point out he's 'doing a good job by himself.'
  • Pat's Final Spin landing on lose a turn. Twice.


  • The comment the guys choose to end the first video on:
    Tim: 'I keep expecting [the game] to cut to a commercial or something.'
  • Jon correctly guessing every letter in the final puzzle, and still being prompted to solve it. He notes that it would even be entirely possible for him to just choose to give up.
    Emile: 'D'you wanna do it?'
    Jon: 'No. Fuck no, I want my prize!'
  • After Jon decides at what prize to pick, he discusses this:
    Jon: 'Okay, there's a football logo in this game and it's locked by default and it makes me so sad! I want a football on my shirt!'
    Emile: 'I want a football in my mouth! DEET DEET!'
    Jon: 'Did you say you want a football in your mouth?'
    Emile: 'Uh, that's not what I meant to say, I wanted a foot- never mind!'
    • Now animated!
      • Of course, the animation omits the 'never mind', instead doing something much funnier.

Happy Holidays

  • Jon completely losing it right at the beginning of Part 1 because of Tim:
    Tim: 'You wanna touch my letters, Vanna, because you're more than welcome to any time you want to.'
    Jon:[while laughing] 'W.. what???'
    Emile: 'What letters are you talking about, Tim, your consonants or your vowels?'
    Tim: 'My PP!'
    Jon:[after calming down] 'Oh man!'
    Emile: 'Jon sounds like a monkey.'
    Tim: 'Oh my D, my D, that works too.'
  • 'FEISTA KEYS TO THE GARAGE', in a Before & After puzzle. Emile, admittedly, had a train of thought for this one, but that just makes it even better. The answer was ALICIA KEYS TO THE GARAGE.
  • Jon does the same Literal-Minded gag he's done on his own livestreams of Wheel of Fortune, misinterpreting a prize picture of a deckchair on an idyllic tropical beach as 'You win a chair!' rather than a trip.
    • Related, Jon (and eventually the others) note that whenever someone wins a vehicle, it is shown as a rotating image, so he describes the prizes as (e.g.) 'A SPINNING MOTORCYCLE!!'

Cruise Week

  • The intro has Jon bringing up 'Feista Keys to the Garage' again, causing Emile to explain that he's not trying to be funny and is really trying his best. Immediately afterwards? 'OCEAN GROSSING'.
    • And then his confusion over the actual answer:
      Emile: 'What's 'ocean crossing'?'
      Jon: 'As in, you cross the ocean.'
      Emile:[still confused] 'What?'
  • Anime Cat GirlEmile.
    Emile:[weirdly suppressed, sounding like a cat] 'Oooooh!'
  • After yet more Trauma Conga Line for Emile, we get this:
    Jon: 'Now if anyone had bought an E, we would have figured it out immediately.'
    Emile: 'E-mediately?'
    Jon: 'Really?'
    Emile: '..Please let me have my puns, I got nothing left in this game!'
    Jon:[laughing] 'Wow! Dude! That's so depressing sounding!'
    • The humiliation doesn't end there; the next video features a Toss-Up puzzle with Occupation as the category. Emile accidentally decides to solve the puzzle with just a G on the board, and blindly piecing letters together, ends up with 'ICICLES GOGGGLES'. What makes the moment even better, though, is Tim making the same mistake, effectively giving Jon the win. The answer was GRAPHIC DESIGNER.
      Jon: 'I think you broke your trend of doing half of it right.'
  • At one point, Emile and Jon's characters throw up their arms in defeat at the exact same time.

The Great Outdoors

  • As usual, Emile gets most of a phrase correct, then screws up on one word. This time, it's 'QUIET BEAUTY OF SALUTE'.
  • Tim getting two Bankrupts in a row, followed by losing a turn.
  • Guess who thought the word 'Southern' was 'Softkern' for a thing?
    • And even once he knows the first word, his next guess is 'SOUTHERN CRAPI'.

Las Vegas

  • The Running Gag of picking B never working for Emile becomes a Brick Joke when he guesses something other than B and gets it wrong..
    Jon:[To Tim] 'Are you going to do it and break his heart?'
    Emile: 'NO! IT'S NOT THAT, IS IT?!'
    [Tim picks B, and it turns out there aretwoof them]
    • The same puzzle ends up reduced to just THE BA_ BRIDGE, and Emile still doesn't know what it is. He has to literallyTry Everything until he finally realises, actually pronouncing the word with every letter from C to Y while Jon groans in frustration. Made even funnier by the fact that Jon knew the answer and would've got it.. had he not immediately spun Bankrupt on his turn.
  • Emile reveals that he originally thought the Bonus Round puzzle was 'HEALTHY SLUT'. It was HEALTHY GLOW. Tim and Jon are left nearly speechless.
  • At the end of the video Emile discovers that he actually took second place ahead of Jon. The surprise scream Jon makes must be heard to be believed.
  • The Call-Back to Emile's anime cat girl moment.
    Jon: 'Nyaaa~'
    Emile: 'SHUT UP!'

New York City

  • Similar to the 'Healthy Slut' moment, Emile admits that he thought the solution to one puzzle was 'Political Antichrist.' It was political activist.
  • At the end of the match, Emile realizes that he'd never have a chance at making it onto the actual show. Cue him going into his room to cry.
    Emile:[loud distant yell of despair]
    Jon: 'Thanks for tuning in, everyone, Wheel of Fortune! We'll see you next time!'

Washington DC

  • During the first Toss-Up, apparently none of the Guys know what a wood thrush is, and both Emile and Tim come very close to guessing it by accident.
  • During the first regular puzzle, Tim's first guess at the puzzle is 'CHOKING THIS SCHLONG' (though it's worth noting that he did this as a joke at the very beginning of the round, and it wasn't a serious guess). The hint? 'What Are You Doing?'. Needless to say, Emile and Jon's reactions are exactly as you think. The actual answer was DRAWING WITH CRAYONS. Tim guessed very early.
  • Once again, the Guys get a ridiculous number of Bankrupts. On one occasion Emile gets Lose A Turn, Tim gets Bankrupt, Jon gets Bankrupt, and so the turn goes straight back to Emile again.
  • Near the end of Part 1, Jon starts narrating everything through song. Made even funnier when Tim runs with it and starts doing backup vocals.


  • Most likely the defining moment of funny in this entire side-project is at the beginning of Part 2, which is yet another 'Emile guesses random words' moment; what thrusts it up above all the previous moments is Jon and Tim's (mostly Jon's) reactions to it. It.. It just has to be seen to be believed.
    Jon: 'EMILE! The Metropolitan Mutant of Ark?? [shortly after] Are you a real human being? Do you exist?'
    • Later on, after Emile becomes completely humiliated..
      Emile: 'Maybe I'll find some crazy way to edit that to make it look like I did good..'
      Jon: 'No. Don't you dare. You leave that pristine. That needs to be left alone, and framed in a goddamn museum OF ART. IT NEEDS TO BE FRAMED IN A MUSEUM OF ART, LIKE A METROPOLITAN ONE!'
    • Even better, is that Tim then gets a chance to solve it, only to miss the last letter as well as misspelling the first word, letting Jon, who was in last, take it. His reaction is just stunned disbelief Up to Eleven.
  • Emile's fiasco gets referenced throughout the rest of the episode.
  • At the very end as if Emile hasn't gone through enough of a Humiliation Conga in the series, he gets the chance to solve the final puzzle. The correct answer is ALPINE GLACIERS, but he can only guess the first half correctly, making his guess 'ALPINE GLIMMERS'. However, he realizes it's not correct and attempts to change it. He tries guessing it as 'Alpine Gleamers' instead, much to his eventual anguish.
  • After noticing a cave in the background, Jon and Emile both wonder if it's full of Hawaiian Bats, which prompts Emile to spontaneously start singingthe 'Bats' song. This results in Jon having an 'Is this really happening?' reaction.

New Orleans Round 2

  • Right off the bat, Emile gives yet another bizarre guess: 'Soapping Alligators.' And he was only off by one letter.
  • On the first puzzle, the three are trying have solved enough letters so that the four-letter last word has mostly been uncovered, showing that it ends in '-UCK'. Emile doesn't waste time pointing out the obvious.
    Emile:[tries to suppress a laugh] 'I am a horrible person.'
    Jon: 'It's not- 'F' is already used, Emile!'
    Emile: 'I know!'
  • The latest Chuggaaconroy masterpiece, CHICHIN ATOCH DARIFOLIT from the third minigame break.
    • How about MR. FILTH in the third toss-up?
  • The fact that despite his usual bizarre guesses Emile still manages to win due to solving a tough puzzle and getting several thousand dollars from it. He still doesn't solve the final puzzle though, and loses his chance to win a spinning motorcycle.

Happy Holidays Round 2

  • Emile's guess for the second toss-up is 'MOSSY TURKEY TURNER'. The correct answer was ROAST TURKEY DINNER.
  • They burned through half the consonants before guessing a single letter of 'DIG DEEP'.
  • Puzzle: 'CARIBOU'. Emile's guess: 'BURMFOP'.
  • Guessing for a puzzle that starts with 'SLEEVELESS', Emile almost thinks it's followed by 'PANTS' despite sleeveless pants obviously not being a thing and the letters and word length not matching. Tim remarks that it sounds like 'assless chaps', and Emile, running out of time, fills it in as 'SLEVELESS ROCKID'.
  • Emile guessing 'THE DRESSMILT SOCK' when the answer was 'THE BREAKFAST CLUB'.
  • Emile making a soundwhich sounds like a goat screaming.
  • Jon winds up winning the board and is the one to win the spinning motorcycle.

Happy Halloween Round 2

  • Seeing the Halloween-colored outfits on Pat and Vanna, Emile wonders if Pat turns into a vampire, and Tim calls it 'Bat Sajak'. Then Emile dubs Vanna 'Vanna Black' to match the theme.
  • The first puzzle, a 'What are you doing?' category, with the answer 'TELLING GHOST STORIES'. Emile buzzes in and guesses 'TALKING' for the first word, but hits a wall, and fills in the rest as 'TOAST SHOPING'. After he realizes that it's wrong (because 'shopping' didn't fit), Jon remarks that yes, it is very wrong, but because Emile wrote 'TALKING TOAST SHOPING'. Emile runs out of time trying to correct it to 'TALKING TOAST SNOWING'.
  • Instead of 'STRANGE NOISES' for the next puzzle, Emile guessed 'SWIANGE NOISES', but ran out of time before he could finish the second word.
  • A minigame puzzle with '__D ST___'. Emile gets stuck on the word 'POD' for the first, and ultimately tries to fill it in with 'STUFF'..but he ends up making a mistake and answering 'POD STOFF'. He was on the right track with 'STUFF', but the first word was 'KID'.
  • After Emile managed to snipe the victory from Tim's grasp and get a chance at the final puzzle, he ended up with TO_ POODLE. His plan of action? GUESS LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE COMBINATION OF TO_ POODLE FROM A TO Z, ON PURPOSE, UNTIL FINALLY SOLVING ITCORRECTLY. Even skipping Y to be an extra pain!
    Jon: 'Don't, don't, don't you do this, Emile..'
    Tim:[bursts out laughing]
    Jon: 'You do not get the right to do this right now!'
    Jon: 'Emile, you do not get the right to do this! Oh my God..'
    Tim: '..Tom Poodle?'
    Emile: 'TOQ POODLE!'
    Jon: 'Oh my God..'
    Jon: 'I'm hoping he just accidentally doesn't click it or runs out of time..'
Wheel of fortune game thing the sounds of love

New York City Round 2

  • This round's bad guess, brought to you by Emile, is CLOWNEY SIDERILKS. In the first toss-up round. (CROWDED SIDEWALKS)
    • And on the Final Spin, he also brings in THE ID BANAB B_ _E.note (THE DA VINCI CODE)
  • Jon ends up figuring out one puzzle is 'Exciting Theme Parks' which even Tim has trouble with. When he finally finishes the puzzle, both Emile and Tim let huge screams at the top of their lungs.
  • When one of the answers turns out to be CONFETTI CANNON, Emile makes a veiled reference to Pinkie Pie's party cannons.
  • Emile wins the round, but he flubs the final puzzle and misses the spinning motorcycle. Again.

Washington DC City Round 2

  • Emile's guess for the Final Spin is THE SHINE NUT MAN COPINA_E.note (THE WHOLE KIT AND CABOODLE)

Hollywood Round 2

  • Another guess from Emile is for the category 'Events': THE EASY FOOL. And then an equally silly guess came immediately after by Tim: THE FISH BOWL. The actual solution? 'THE ROSE BOWL'.
  • Emile guesses 'DANIENED JEANE' for 'DESIGNER JEANS'.
  • Jon does the final spin, and figures out the answer (ALUMNI ASSOCIATION) with only 7 seconds left on the clock.. Which, unfortunately, wasn't enough time to type it in. The kicker? The prize he would have gotten was the one million dollars!

Las Vegas Round 2

  • Yet another guess from Emile: PANTSTORM. The actual solution? SANDSTORM. This leads to exactly the kind of jokes you would expect.
  • In part 2, he gets to answer for a 'Star & Role' question, and enters SIMON WAGER as PATRICK ZANY.
    • The comments have a lot of fun with this:
    -Oh boy. Simon Wager is my favorite actor. I loved his Patrick Zany character. I think that famous Calibrary Cuff Paula Deen did a cameo in that movie, where Zany is trying to find the elusive Metropolitan Mutant of Ark.
    -I heard Patrick Zany was coming all the way across the Ocean grossing to get some Mossy Turkey Turners at the Fish Bowl.
    -Remember when Wager appeared on the Mr. Filth Show? I hear that he had to drive through a pantstorm to get there. He took off his icicles gogggles for the first time on the show - I never would have guessed he was a natural fluffite!
    -Wasn't there an episode of the Mr. Filth Show where Simon Wager and Michael Chamlas went on a please labe together? I think they ran into some soaping alligators there..

Happy Holidays Round 3

  • They're only doing this because they still can't record Wheel of Fortune 2nd Edition on PS1. They tried everything, even playing it on both PS2 and PS3. The kicker: Emile's still angry because he was winning.
  • This exchange:
    Emile: 'But what if the subject that you're studying in has nothing left to be discovered in it?'
    Jon: '.. that's not how reality works.'
    Emile: 'I mean, like, what if you're, like.. getting your degree in pickle farming?'
    Jon: 'Spin the wheel.'
  • With that in mind, here's your Emile guesses.
    • NOSEY NEIGHBOR. He was close, the answer was NOISY NEIGHBOR.
    • SHUTLIPPERZ ULERATOR. And later on, SIFTOHYYYRY YYERYTYR (because he was running out of time). The answer was 'SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR'.

Happy Halloween Round 3

  • Emile does unnaturally well this round (getting both toss up puzzles right with only a few letters each, then getting both the Jackpot and Million Dollar wedges and solving the first puzzle), so much that Jon starts suspecting him of cheating when he keeps actually getting things right. It takes losing the Million Dollar wedge and Tim winning before he conceded otherwise.
  • The comments have a predictable meltdown at Emile doing so well.


  • Emile actually sweeps the first two rounds, much to everyone's surprise.
  • The game malfunctioning after Emile won. It's as if the game couldn't handle this fact.
    • And then the end of the video reveals they haven't been able to get the game to work since.
  • The comments had a meltdown at how well Emile did.

Round 1

Wheel Of Fortune Game Thing The Sounds Of The World

  • Unlike previous versions, Emile decides to start the game completely blind, without bothering to set everything up in advance. Cue almost five whole minutes of Jon fumbling through the interface trying to customize his avatar.. only to accidentally cancel out and leave all three of them with the default avatar.
  • The Guys’ reactions to discovering that Pat and Vanna aren’t in this version of the game, having been replaced by “UmaThurman and that guy from Psych”.
  • The increased frustration at the host saying 'To be honest, I wasn't sure how you were gonna solve this one' after every non-prize puzzle.
  • The Final Spin, with the clue 'What are you doing?', has a couple of hilarious guesses, from Tim's PUKING MY LUNCH OUT MAN, and Emile's WAXING MY PURSE NOW YAR.
  • Fumbling around in the Characer Customization menu, the sequel:

Round 2

  • Due to getting the buttons for the Wii U and PS4 messed up, Emile accidentally selects 'Solve' with only one letter on the board. The result? 'NONE STUDENT ORGASMICAA'

Round 3

  • Tim blurts out the answer to the $1000 toss-up immediately, only for Emile to buzz in before him and snipe the answer. He hesitates for a bit on the spelling, but gets it right.. and gets an achievement for solving the puzzle with so few letters: 'New Baby Buggy'. As a bonus, the commenters point out that the contestant being referenced by that achievement's name was also named Emil.
  • Emile asks Tim if he uses female avatars for these games because of Emile's 'Tim, his wife' joke. Tim admits he does, to which Jon mentions he thought it was because it made him stand out more.

Game 1

  • This game turns out to be compatible with the forgotten Wii Speak microphone accessory. The guys don't use it on this round, but it will be used for a later one to see the inevitable trainwreck.
  • On this round of Emile's Bad Guesses..
    • 'TRUNKING BACKPACKS' from the $2,000 Toss-Up.
    • Then 'FUNKOW COLLEGE' from the $3,000 Toss-Up.
    • And lastly, 'TURLLING DUNEL ORIONY' on the Final Spin.

Game 2

  • All three of them use the Wii speak for custom taunts. Emile said 'I didn't suck!' but..
    • Not to mention Jon’staunts.
    • Emile's 'sad' taunt is his best imitation of his anime catgirl noise.
  • The Wii Speak gets used for round 2, and it does not disappoint. The first toss-up has Emile try to guess 'RUMOUR ALCOHOL' on SUMMER SCHOOL. That's not the funny part. The funny part is that the Wii Speak autocorrects Emile's guess to the correct answer.
  • The GRACELAND IN MEMPHIS TENNESSE puzzle has two really good moments.
    • Firstly, Emile tries to make a normal spin, which the game interprets as him saying 'Solve.' What proceeds is Emile's brain slowly short-circuiting.
      Emile: 'Magellan? Mammamen? Porcelain! Quackalin? Porcelain! CHRYSLER! TOYOTA! MITSUBISHI!YOUR MOTHER! THE PRESIDENT! PATRICK STAR!Ayuuhuuh.. Bubahuhaha? Meleleleleleablah! NNNNNG!'
    • Tim makes a guess on this puzzle and the game registers his guess as correct.. but no letters appear in the puzzle, despite Tim getting money for it. This baffles the guys enough, but when he, too, gets hit by the game thinking he said 'Solve,' THIS happens:
      Tim: 'Graceland.'
      Wheel of Fortune: LLALELANL
      The Guys:[break down laughing]
      Tim: '..Cancel input.'
  • Then the High / Low Mini Game Break has Jon fighting against the very fiddly microphone, trying to get the game to recognize 'SET' to complete the phrase 'QUIET ON THE SET!' The autocomplete suggestions gave some..interesting choices, such as 'DAD', 'TAX', 'SEZ', and 'GAY'.
  • Jon repeatedly trying to guess the final puzzle ('TRUCK OWNERS') and having it not even register.
    Jon: 'Truck. TRUCK. U. TRUCK. TRUCK! Truck. Truck. ..fuck. FUCK.'

Game 3

  • Jon opens the video with a call-back:
    Jon:[in time with the 'Wheel of Fortune' chant] 'TRUCK. TRUCK. TRUCK.'

Game 6

  • The first round sees the return of the Angry Wheel, as a whopping four out of seven spins end on Bankrupt.
  • The second round has Emile correctly guess 'RUNNING ACROSS THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE' (and winning over $22,000 with it), though he almost mistakenly put in FRIDGE for the last word. The Guys spend the last part of the video discussing what a 'Golden Gate Fridge' would be, leaving Emile to declare that his backup job for when YouTube goes down is to open the 'Golden Gate Fridge Company.'
  • Chugga's new taunt:
    Emile Taunt:'Some Vulgar Celebration!' or 'Non-Vulgar Celebration!'
  • Chugga's fart and his attempts to save face. Not Tim This Time.


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Wheel Of Fortune Spin Sound

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The best-known and most popular WoF slots work like this: they have three reels, a few standard paylines, and a large wheel above the machine. But the strong popularity of the WoF slots has created the opportunity for variations, most notably the three-wheeled, five-reeled Wheel of Fortune Triple Extreme Spin. This game provides more action and more winning combinations than the traditional WoF slots while also giving the player a more interactive experience with the bonus game wheels.

To start this bonus game, a player needs at least three spin symbols to appear among the five reels. Once the bonus game begins, the player will select an envelope, like the winning contestant on the WoF game show would do for their bonus game, for each spin symbol that appeared on their reels.

At least three envelopes will be selected every time the bonus game is played. This is because at least three spin symbols are required to start the game. Each envelope corresponds to getting a result on one of the three wheels — two of which having amounts to win and the other having multipliers.

Players can even attain special multipliers if more than three spin symbols are used to activate the game. In this way, players can win huge amounts of money by getting lucky and having large prizes supplemented by large multipliers.

No matter the specific WoF slot, the potential to spin the big wheel(s) will always be one of the main draws. And it would likely be the biggest draw if it weren’t for one thing…

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WoF slot machines offer some of the largest progressive jackpot prizes anywhere. The 25-cent machines offer a jackpot that starts at $200,000 and steadily rises. The jackpot frequently reaches over $500,000 before being hit.

The $1 and $5 machines offer a jackpot that starts at $1 million. A WoF machine’s jackpot is linked to all other machines of the same stakes that offer the progressive jackpot in the state of Nevada. The amounts will be reset on all machines to their (still quite lofty) starting amounts whenever the jackpot is hit.

To be eligible for a progressive jackpot on these machines, players must play max credits on their spin. Max credits are three for the 25-cent machines and two for the $1 and $5 machines.

Not all WoF slots have this progressive jackpot, but the jackpot has undoubtedly become a staple of the brand.

With a unique money-making opportunity at a relatively low cost, the WoF progressive jackpots are certain to attract jackpot hunters. And when the jackpot amount swells to unusually high numbers, many seekers who don’t spend much of their time playing slots will make their way to the WoF machines in hopes of life-changing encounter.

What to expect from Wheel of Fortune slot games

With big money wheel opportunities and enormous progressive jackpots, the money swings on many WoF slots will also be substantial. Money will come and money will go. And perhaps it’ll come again, but it won’t be slow.

Players may well sit down at one of these machines with only 20 to 30 credits and go on a long dry streak. But if that luck does come, it’s entirely reasonable for $20 to become $500 within a matter of minutes. Either way, WoF slot machines are not for the faint of heart.

Wheel Of Fortune Game Thing The Sounds Of Christmas

Hinged to a game show that has been successful for over 40 years, these slots don’t seem to have any end in sight. A solid game with potential for huge money, fun times, and the intrigue of a life-altering progressive jackpot will never have trouble finding players waiting to be the next winner.

Online Games Wheel Of Fortune

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